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Opening Oracle .Rdf Files

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 14/11/17

FRM40735 ONERROR trigger raised unhandled exception ORA06508. Opening Oracle .Rdf Files' title='Opening Oracle .Rdf Files' />Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. SparxSystems presents the newes version of his UML software modeling tool Enterprise Architect. Describes lastminute features and changes not included in the Oracle Database Documentation Library for Oracle Database 12c Release 1 12. Introduction. This study has investigated current state of interoperability among software applications used in BIM in conjunction with collaborative delivery of. Welcome to the NetBeans Plugin Portal. Download, comment, and rate plugins provided by community members and thirdparty companies, or post your own. Contains status information, links to specifications and tools that implement XML Schema. Oracle Apps Technical Interview Questions And Answers. A packaged business software system that lets a company automate and integrate the majority of its business processes share common data and practices across the enterprise and produce and access information in a real time environment. Download Cossacks 2 Battle For Europe Cracker. Tell me some thing about SQL LOADER Sql loader is a bulk loader utility used for moving data from external files into the oracle database. Sql loader supports various load formats, selective loading, and multi tables loads. Conventional The conventional path loader essentially loads the data by using standard insert statement. Direct The direct path loader direct true by possess of logic involved with that, and loads directly in to the oracle data files. EX My data. csv file. Load data. Infile c datamydata. Into table emp. Fields terminated by, optionally enclosed by empno, empname,sal,deptno sqlldr scotttigerviscontrolloader. How to dump data from plsql block to flat files Using utlfile package, we can dump data from plsql block to flat file. PRE REQUIREMENTS for UTLFILE is specify the accessible directories for the. UTLFILE function in the initialization file INIT. ORA Using the UTLFILEDIR parameters. Ex UTLFILEDIR lt Directory name EX  remember to update INITSID. ORA, utlfiledir c oradataDeclare. Fp utlfile. filetype Begin. Fp utlfile. fopenc oradata,tab. Utlfile. putffp,s s n text field, 5. Utlfile. fclosefp End 4    What is SET OF BOOKS Collection of Chat of Accounts and Currency and Calendars is called SOB 5    What is the interface Table Interface Table is a table which is used as medium for transfer of data between two systems. A request sent for payment 7    What is INBOUND and OUT BOUND Different types of interfacesInbound Interface For inbound interfaces, where these products are the destination, interface tables as well as supporting validation, processing, and maintenance programs are provided. Outbound Interface For outbound interfaces, where these products are the source, database views are provided and the destination application should provide the validation, processing, and maintenance programs. What are the Base tables in the AR Check the following blog post for AR base tables http oracleapps. What are the interface tables of the customer conversion Check the following blog post for interface tables in customer conversion http oracleapps. What is the procedure to develop an interface           First we will get the Requirement document. We will create control file based on that plot file. Then the control files which loads the data into staging tables. Through plsql programs we will mapping and validate the data and then dump into the interface tables. Through the standard programs we will push the data from interface tables to Base tables. What are the validations in customer interface The same customer reference cant have different customer names          with in this table HZPARTIES. PARTYNAMEcustomer number must be null if your r using automatic customer numbering, must exit if you are not using automatic customer numbering. This value much be unique with in HZPARTIEScustomer status  must be A for active or I for inactive. HZPARTIESSTATUSbank account num or bank account currency code  if the bank ac already exist do not enter a valueif the bank ac does not exist  you must enter a valuebank ac name  it must exist in APBANKACCOUNTS or if it does not exist values must exist for BANKACCURRENCYCODEBANKACNUMBANKNAMEBANKBRANCHNAMENote every interface table has two error msg. Error code. 2   Error msg. How to submit a concurrent program from sql or plsql code FNDREQUEST. SUBMITREQUEST PO,EXECUTABLE NAME, PARAMETERS1. List out some APIs FNDFILE. PUTLINEFNDFILE. LOGFNDFILE. PUTLINEFNDFILE. OUTPUT1. What are profile options It is some set of options based on which the Functional and Technical behavior of Oracle Applications depends. EX  I want to assign the user. System Administrator  Profile System                                    FNDPROFILEOPTIONS    1. What are the User PARAMETERS in the ReportsPCONCREQUESTIDPFLEXVALUE    1. What are FND USER EXITS in oracle reports Check the following blog post for user exits in oracle reports http oracleapps. What are the two parameters that are mandatory for plsql type concurrent prog     ProcedureFunction ERRBUF OUT, RETCODE OUTERRBUF    Used to write the error message to log or request file. RETCODE  Populate log request file with program submission details info. What are different validation types in value sets None validation is minimal. Independent   input must exist on previously defined list of values. Dependent input is checked against a subset of values based on aprior value. Table input is checked against values in an application table. Special values set uses a flex field itself. Pair two flex fields together specify a range of valid values. Translatable independent  input must exist on previously defined list. Of values translated values can be used. Translatable dependent   input is checked against a subset of values. Based on a prior values translated value can be used. What is the sequence of execution of different clause in a select statement Check out the following blog post for detailed explanation http oracleapps. Form development process Save as lt your form. Change the form module name as form name. Delete the default blocks, window, and canvas. Create a window. 6. Assign the window property class to window. Create a canvas   subclass info8. Assign canvas property class to the canvas. Create a data block. Modify the form level properties. Text item1. Modify the appcustom package in the program unit. Modify the pre form trigger form level1. Modify the module level properties console window, First navigation. Save and compile the form. Place the. fmx in the server directory. Register in the AOL                                    APPLICATION   FORM                                    APPLICATION  FUNCTION                                    APPLICATION   MENU2. How to customize the Reports Identify the Short name of the report and the module in which we have to place the customization         Ex if you want to customize in the AR module, path is. Appl topar1. 1. US. FTP back the file to the local system in Binary mode. Open the. rdf file in Report builder and change the name of the module. Open the data model and Layout mode, perform all the required changes. Go to report wizard and select the newly created columns. Compile it. Save it. Then Register in the AOL          Concurrent  executable. Concurrent  program. Go to system administrator Security Responsibility request. Add and assign a concurrent program to a request group. List some report names in oracle apps OPEN DEBIT MEMO REPORTThis report shows all the open debit memo transactions, based oncustomer number and dates. Columns type, customerno, trxno, amtdue, remaining. Parameter type, customer, fromdate, todate. GENERATING POSITIVE PAY FILE FOR BANK REPORT Basically this report generates a flat file of all the payments in order to send in to the bank.